Privacy Policy

1. General information.

1.1 When you use our websites, sign up for our newsletters, sign up for our customer clubs or make purchases at one of our online brand shops, DK Company Online A/S (hereinafter "DK Company Online" or "we", "us" and "our") a range of information about you as a person. In this privacy policy (hereinafter the "Privacy Policy"), you can, among other things, read about the information DK Company Online collects, what rights you have, how DK Company Online processes the information and how you can contact DK Company Online if you have questions about our processing of your personal data.

1.2 We use cookies on our website to collect personal information about you. If you want to read more about the use of cookies on our websites or manage your consent to our use of your cookies, you can click on the cookie icon in the lower left corner of our websites.

1.3 It is a condition for using our websites, online brand shops, signing up for newsletters, customer club or using other services that you accept the Privacy Policy, as otherwise we cannot handle your relationship with us and your personal data.

2. Data controller

2.1 DK Company Online processes personal data in various situations and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and national data protection legislation, including the Data Protection Act.

2.2 Personal data is understood and interpreted in accordance with the GDPR and means all information relating to an identified or identifiable physical person.

2.3 DK Company Online is the data controller for processing your personal data as described in the Privacy Policy.

2.4 Contact information

DK Company Online A/S
CVR nr. 19778649
La Cours Vej 6
DK-7430 Ikast

Kundeservice tlf.: +45 88 44 15 86
E-mail: [email protected]

3. Our processing of personal data

3.1 In order to offer you the best possible service, we collect information about you when you use our websites. This information will be used, among other things, to offer you relevant features and options, to personalize our website content and for security reasons.

3.2 We only collect personal data that is relevant and sufficient in relation to the purposes described below.

3.3 Contact via e-mail

3.3.1 When you contact us by e-mail, we use the personal data that you may have provided in the e-mail to reply to you.

3.3.2 The purpose of processing this information is to be able to give you an answer to your inquiry.

3.3.3 The legal basis for the processing of this information is Article 6, subsection one, letter f) of the GDPR, according to which personal data can be processed to pursue legitimate            interests. We have a legitimate interest in providing you with support in relation to our services and website.

3.4 Subscription to newsletter

3.4.1 DK Company Online gives you the opportunity to register to receive our newsletters. In this connection, we collect information about your e-mail address, your name, and the topics in which you are interested.

3.4.2 The purpose of processing this information is to be able to send you, our newsletters.

3.4.3 The legal basis for the processing of this information is Article 6, subsection one letter a) and letter f) of the GDPR, according to which personal data can be processed based on consent and to pursue legitimate interests.

3.5 IP-address

3.5.1 When you sign up to receive our newsletter, the IP address with which you sign up for the newsletter as well as the date and time when you order the newsletter are saved.

3.5.2 We need this information as evidence in case of abuse.

3.5.3 The legal basis for the processing of this personal data is Article 6, subsection 1, letter f) of the GDPR, according to which personal data can be processed to pursue legitimate interests. DK Company Online has a legitimate interest in presenting evidence in cases of abuse.

3.6 User habits for sending out newsletters

3.6.1 If you have signed up for our newsletter, we will evaluate your user habits when sending newsletters. The e-mails sent contain so-called web beacons or tracking pixels. For these evaluations, we combine the collected information and web beacons with your email address and an individual ID. In the process, when you read our newsletter, we record which links you click on, and from this we derive your personal interests.

3.6.2 The purpose of processing this information is to use the information to adapt the newsletter to your specific interests.

3.6.3 The legal basis for the processing of this personal data is Article 6, subsection 1, letter f) of the GDPR, according to which personal data can be processed to pursue legitimate interests. DK Company Online has a legitimate interest in adapting the newsletter to your specific interests.

3.7 Behavioral targeting

3.7.1 If you have not signed up for our newsletters, we will collect information about your behavior and actions on our websites, such as where you come from and what you click on.

3.7.2 In this case, we only use tracking mechanisms to measure, analyze and personalize our website content and not for profiling purposes.

3.7.3 The legal basis for the processing of this personal data is Article 6, subsection 1, letter f) of the GDPR, according to which personal data can be processed for the purpose of the legitimate interests. We have a legitimate interest in customizing our website content.

3.8 Purchases at brand shops and returns

3.8.1 If you make a purchase online via one of our brand shops or return goods, DK Company Online collects personal information about you that is relevant to be able to affect your purchase, including contact and invoicing information, order number, date of purchase and amount.

3.8.2 Collection of this personal data is necessary to be able to fulfill the agreement between you and DK Company Online regarding the purchase of goods and the handling of returned goods. This is done based on Article 6, subsection 1, letter b) of the GDPR and Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of the GDPR, according to which we are obliged to grant you a statutory right of return and in this connection handle your return.

3.9 Competitions

3.9.1 If you participate in a competition via one of our brand shops, DK Company Online collects personal data about you that is relevant to be able to handle your participation in the competition. In this connection, we collect information about your e-mail address and your name.

3.9.2 The purpose of processing this information is to be able to contact you should you win a competition.

3.9.3 The legal basis for the processing of this information is Article 6, subsection 1, letter a) of the GDPR, according to which personal data can be processed based on consent.

4. Recipients of personal data

4.1 Personal information may be entrusted to external partners who process the information on our behalf. The information we have collected about you is only shared to the extent necessary to implement the agreement with the individual business relationship:

- Providers who assist with the technical operation of our websites, including providers of hosting services and solutions that support functionality.

- Providers who assist with marketing activities and communication with customers.

- Providers of analysis tools that help us optimize our business and your experience as a customer.

- Collaborators who assist with the operation of customer service services, including regarding the delivery of goods from our webshops.

4.2 These business partners are data processors and, in accordance with our instructions, process personal data for which we are data controllers.

4.3 The data processors must not use the personal data for any purpose other than fulfilling their agreement with us and must treat the personal data confidentially. DK Company Online has entered into written data processing agreements with all our data processors.

4.4   We may also share personal data with our external advisers, e.g., accountants and lawyers, as well as public authorities, if required by law.

5. Transfer or disclosure to third countries

5.1 In order to make our brand shops and other related services available to you, we use data processors who may be located outside the EU/EEA. You can request a current updated list of data processors and the legal basis for the transfer at any time by contacting [email protected]

6. Safety

6.1 We have implemented appropriate technical, organizational, and physical measures to ensure a level of protection of your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access in accordance with data protection legislation in Denmark and the EU.

6.2 Facebook and Instagram
We are joint data controllers with Meta for the information about you that is collected when you visit our pages on Facebook and/or Instagram. This means that together with Meta, we need to allocate and determine responsibility for compliance with the legislation regarding the processing of your personal information. You can find our joint data controller agreement here:

Meta uses Insights on Facebook/Instagram to collect statistical information about visitors' behavior on the platform, including age, gender, relationship status, occupation, lifestyle, areas of interest, purchase information, and geographical data. For this purpose, Meta places cookies on your device when you visit Facebook/Instagram. Each cookie contains a unique identification code that remains active for a period of two years, unless they are deleted before the expiration of this period. Meta receives, stores, and processes your personal information through these cookies. We receive aggregated results from this information. You can read more about Facebook's/Instagram's use of cookies here: and Cookie Policy | Instagram Help.

We do not disclose information about you that we receive from Meta. However, Meta may disclose information about you to third parties. You can read more about this under the "how this information is shared" section in their Privacy Policy. If you wish to delete your cookies, you can find out how to do so through our Cookie banner or by contacting Meta. Meta processes information about you, even if you do not have an account with them. You can read more about this here: Meta's Policy on Protection of Personal Information - How Meta Processes and Uses User Data | Center for Privacy Settings (

7. Duration of storage

7.1 We store your personal data until it is no longer necessary for us to process the data. In certain situations, it may be difficult to determine the duration of this period.

The following retention periods apply in relation to your personal data:

Information related to contact via e-mail:

· Stored for up to six months after the end of processing your inquiry.

Information related to newsletter distribution:

· Stored for as long as you wish to receive our newsletter and do not unsubscribe.

Information related to IP-address:

· Stored for as long as it is necessary to process the information in order to achieve the purposes of the processing. Data is stored for the current financial year and for up to 10 years.

Information regarding usage habits and behavioral targeting:

· How long cookies are stored on your device varies. The time is calculated from the time you were last on the website. After expiration, up to 5 years, cookies are automatically deleted. You can refuse or delete cookies on your computer, tablet, or phone at any time by changing the settings in your browser.

Information regarding purchases and returns:

· Stored for as long as it is necessary to process the information in order to achieve the purposes of the processing. Data is stored for the current financial year and for up to 10 years.

Information regarding participation in competitions:

 · Stored for as long as the competition runs. If you are not drawn as a winner, your information will be deleted. If you are drawn as a winner, your information will be stored for as long as is necessary to be able to carry out the distribution of prizes and for bookkeeping reasons up to 5 years after the distribution.

7.2 If we need to store your personal data to protect our legitimate interests, including for example in connection with legal disputes, we reserve the right to store your personal data for a longer period and at least until the legal dispute is settled.

8. Your rights

8.1 As registered, you have certain rights under the GDPR when your personal data is processed. Below, your rights are reviewed when we process personal data about you.

8.2 If you wish to exercise one or more of your rights as a data subject, you must contact us in writing via the email address provided above. Provide your full name and email address. You may be asked to provide additional documentation of your identity.

8.3 In general, you can exercise your rights at any time. However, the exercise of your rights must not affect the rights and freedoms of others, and in that case, DK Company Online may refuse to respect your rights in whole or in part.

8.4 Right of access

8.4.1 As registered, you have the right to access your personal data that is processed by us. By contacting us, you can obtain information about the categories of personal data that we, as the data controller, process about you, the purpose of the processing, the recipients to whom the personal data has been passed on, etc.

8.4.2 If you request additional copies of the personal data being processed, we may charge a fee. If your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may either charge a fee to provide the information or decline your request.

8.5 Right to rectification

8.5.1 You have the right to have your personal data corrected if it is incorrect or misleading. If we do not agree that the information is incorrect, we are not obliged to correct it, but we must note that you, as a registered user, do not believe that the information is correct.

8.6 Right of deletion

8.6.1 In certain cases, you have the right to have your personal data deleted if we no longer have a purpose for processing your personal data, or if you object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing or in accordance with Article 6, para. 1 of the GDPR. However, if we can demonstrate legitimate grounds for the processing that take precedence over your interests, rights, and freedoms, or if the processing is necessary for a legal claim to be established, asserted, or defended, we are not obliged to delete your personal data.

8.7 Right to restriction of processing

8.7.1 In certain cases, you have the right to obtain restriction of the processing of your personal data, e.g., if you dispute the accuracy of the personal data collected about you, or if you have objected to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6 pieces. 1 of the GDPR. In that case, we only store your personal data until your objection has been assessed. If we lift the restriction on our processing of your personal data, you will be notified in advance.

8.8 Right of objection:

8.8.1 For reasons relating to your situation, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data if the processing is based on legitimate interests, cf. Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of the GDPR. If you object to our processing of your personal data, we are no longer entitled to process your personal data, unless we can demonstrate overriding legitimate grounds for the continued processing that take precedence over your interests, rights or freedoms, or the processing is necessary for, that a legal claim can be established, asserted, or defended.

8.8.2 You always have the right to object to the processing of your personal data if the processing takes place for the purpose of direct marketing

8.9 Right to data portability

8.9.1 In certain cases, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to have this information transferred from one data controller to another data controller. This right only applies when the processing of your personal data is based on a contract according to article. 6 pieces. 1, letter b) of the GDPR or your consent, cf. article. 6 pieces. 1, letter a) of the GDPR.

8.10 Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling

8.10.1 Your personal data is not subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling.

8.11 Right to withdraw your consent

8.11.1 To the extent that we process your personal data based on your consent, you can always withdraw your consent to any future processing by contacting us.

9. Submit a complaint to a supervisory authority

9.1 As registered, you can lodge a complaint with DK Company Online as data controller if you are not satisfied with the way we process your personal data. You can find our contact details above.

9.2 You can always lodge a complaint with the Protection Authority on their website:

10. Changes

10.1 DK Company Online can change the Privacy Policy at any time and without notice. The latest version is always available on our websites.

11. Version

This Privacy Policy was last updated in April 2024 and supersedes all previously applicable privacy policies.